
Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? if you don’t see your question here please contact yessenia.

Are you taking new clients?

Starting January 2023, Yessenia will be servicing regualr clients only. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

How do I book?

By clicking here.

Where are you located?

Lyndhurst, NJ.

When do books open?

Schedule is on the website

Is there a waiting list?


I was booking but the appointment disappeared during checkout. What happened?

Due to a high volume of traffic on the booking site, someone possibly was booking for the same time slot and completed the checkout faster. There are no time holders when booking.

I tried to book but no availibility. Why?

Schedule is booked out. Please wait for next booking date. Schedule is on the website.

Do you offer color?


How do I find out about cancellations?

Check website periodically. Sometimes they will be posted on the ig story TheTextureologist.

If we come for a hair trim without styling are we still paying the same price?


Will you have weekends available?

Sorry, no weekends. Availability is from Tuesday-Friday 10am to 6pm with the last appointment being at 4pm.

Can I book for a trim instead of a shape?

Trim, shape, dusting are all haircuts.

I'm on the website but I don't see openings, why?

This happens when the month is booked out. Please wait until the next booking date. Schedule is on the website

I saw an opening but when I select the appointment and an add on it disappears. Why?

If the appointment requires additional time there may not be enough time to accommodate those services during that time slot.

Can you squeeze me in?

Unfortunately, Yessenia is unable to squeeze clients onto the schedule.

Do you work with fine hair, or transitioning hair?


Can I book a consultation or virtual consultation?

Unfortunately, this service is not available.

Can I call and book an appointment?

Booking is online only.

Can I book for myself and a friend?

At the moment booking is for one appointment at a time. Multiple bookings is not available.

It's booking day, and there's no availability. Is there a glitch?

No glitch. As soon as the schedule opens, appointments go fast.

I'm attempting to upload a picture when booking but it's not working. What should I do?

Please use a different device. If you're still having trouble, email Please be advised, it is not guarenteed the appointment will still be available.

I have long hair. How do I book?

Please select the "Long Hair" add-on.

I have a lot of hair, more than average. How do I book?

Please select "High Density Hair" add-on.

Can I book an appointment for children?

Yessenia only services children 13 and over.

Can I bring a guest with me for my service?

Due to limited space, no guests please.